Our Employment Readiness efforts will begin by working to ensure that our participants do not transfer the instant gratification attitude that led to their incarceration into their re-socialization process. These workshops will prepare participants for the interview process. We will help them develop a resume that is tailored to their skills, teach interviewing skills and job maintenance. Interviewing skills and resume assistance is crucial as participants have the increased difficulty of making years of not having a job because of criminal history or being behind bars look palatable on a resume, while handling questions about a conviction. We assist participants in focusing on the positive aspects of these obstacles, knowing that years and months in a jail, prison or juvenile correctional facility usually includes some type of food services, welding and custodial experience that could be used to fill gaps on a resume. Participants also learn how to use interview questions about criminal conviction to outline efforts they overlook to turn life around while incarcerated.
Employment Readiness Training