
Mission Statement

“To provide individuals with criminal histories the opportunity to lead healthy and productive lives, and become responsible citizens.” 

Bill D. Anderson Jr. – CEO/President

A Word from our Founder & CEO

“ This Country was built on the belief that each human being has limitless potential and worth. Everybody matters? We believe that even those who have struggled with a dark past can find brighter days ahead. One way will act on that belief is by helping ex-offenders who’ve paid for their crimes build new lives as productive and responsible members of our society, while transitioning back into their communities…. The work of redemption reflects our values as people, and our mission. It’s possible Inc., will work to help ex-offenders reclaim their lives. Given the importance of Offender Reintegration to the overall well-being of communities, we’re standing with you, not against you.

I have worked in the Social/Criminal Justice System in New York City for over 15 years. I strongly believe that relying solely on imprisonment as solutions to crime are costly, counterproductive and unsuccessful approaches to reducing recidivism.

The It’s Possible service model is based on the understanding that success in different areas of our participants lives is interconnected.  The family problems affect work and school, the IPI Contract is a process that helps participants achieves their goals in different areas of their lives by creating a concrete plan for success.  There are six important areas of this contract (e.g. education, employment, family, spirituality, mental/physical health and community services.  During this five day orientation, participants work to develop goals in every area, we also work with participants to list concrete steps necessary to complete each objective.  By completing this process, each participant creates a decisive plan to transform their lives.  Following a plan is critical for our participants to avoid repeating behaviors or activities that will result in incarceration.  Our participants have many obstacles placed on them by society, but absent is a plan of success that makes it easy to lose hope.  As participants begin to implement their plan, they are able to see a future.  Upon enrollment at IPI, participants are matched with a (ICS) Individual Care Specialist, who works with them to help develop their plan and tracks their activities towards transition.  IPI will service formerly incarcerated males who reside in Elkhart County, St. Joseph County and Berrien County .



Sheriff Brad Rogers

Sheriff Brad Rogers


I would like to take this opportunity to give a Special thanks to The Elkhart County Sheriff Brad Rogers: Words are often inadequate to express my joy for your advice, friendship, moral support and trust. Life has it’s trying moments, but it’s caring people like you Sheriff Rogers who make those trying moments more valuable. For all that you have done I say and It’s Possible Inc, gives you a Big Thank You.

Bill D. Anderson Jr





 Staff Members


Kevin Brown, MSW Individual Care Specialist

Kevin Brown, MSW Individual Care Specialist

Mr. Brown brings a wealth of experience to IPI, in both Human and Social Services. In his previous position in New York City he was a Manager of a Transitional Housing Program in Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Brown has experience in Group Home Supervision, Foster Care and Mentoring. Mr. Brown will be in charge of Intake, client assessments and groups.